ArenaNet 2011 Intership Art Test

A few months ago I decided to try my hand at the ArenaNet internship art test.

I actually learned a lot from it and I am very happy I did it.  I ended up not hearing about it until about a week before the due date, and at the time we were very close to a turn-in for game project so I wasn't really able to work on it until about 3 days before the deadline.

So for the art test we were given this concept for a building:

The limitations were that it must be under 3000 triangles and have a maximum of 2 1024x1024 textures.  Here are some screen-caps of the final product:

Overall this was a great learning experience and I am happy I did it.  Playing around with vert colors for lighting was really fun and I am happy with the result of having a piece that can stand on its own without needing fancy lighting or rendering techniques to hold itself up.

About the Blog

Gallery of current works by Kenneth Kozan, Game Artist.